Trampoline Marketing offers you our best wished for this New Year.
The year that just ended was filled of bounces. Our team had the opportunity to work with great clients on finding answers to their challenges, to their needs. In 2015, we jumped into passionating field of activities such as Aerospace, IT, softwares, hotel business, insurances, food and beverages. Our team studied in-depth the environment of our clients and providing our clients the springboard they needed to reach new markets.
Now, want do markets reserve for 2016 ?
With two major trade agreements approved (TPA and EURO-CANADA), many changes will occur in key sectors like Food & Beverages, Aerospace, and natural ressources. These sectors have been preparing and must continue to do so to stay sharp when the foreign competition will hit. Since you cannot control these agreements, currency rates, you may want to control your marketing strategies.
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