This show is a must. Some exhibitors showcase their know-how and their products brilliantly.
There are so many square meters to stride up and down (+67 000 sq), so many encounters to make (50 000 visitors expected this year), 120 countries presenting their wines, their wineries’ story, their know-how.
Almost an impossible task for one person to visit it all. Nevertheless, we have visited some and here are our picks:
Never hesitate to be creative in a thoughtful way
France is famous for many things, The Tour de France being one of them. What a great idea to combine cycling, wines and virtual reality to attrack visitors, and have the opportunity to make them discover you region, winery, brands. Bravo !
Too explicit label
The Original Steak Wine (Mendoza, Argentina). A consumer definitely understands the inevitable pairing to fully enjoy this Argentinian wine.
“But it is a little too obvious to the point where it might actually prevent me from buying it as it reminds me too much of the dead animal” pointed out one of our colleagues.
Beyond organic wines: vegan and eco-friendly
How can a wine not be vegan ? Labelling laws are not identical across Canada, USA. Thus, we may occasionnally read that a wine contains yeast but that is not the norm…one day maybe. Vegan or not, the idea is to be transparent as a producer, to know what your body intakes.
And to conclude, Champagnes !
Lanson‘s interview by ProWein